Maybe this is how black holes are made.
Beautiful, *blentiful* black holes…
His nipple scraped when he slid down the rocks. In-n-out the water like an otter, he had returned to that plot which had birthed him.
Rainbow beach, you old friend. You mama and kin. American Riviera with bald eagles flying o’er my own balding head.
Under a bridge of same name he bathed. And when he walked out, and much to his delight: a brand new port-a-potty, all new and unblemished, wholly without shite.
He laugh-laughed, sat to piss, out of respect. Went out and back to the beach, whence paths crosst he,
She of stranged countenance,
Like raven of black hair,
And said then she,
“T’were my own nipple ripped,
Then’st some likely one could
Give panacea suck
And for satisfaction.”
And I:
“That — an attractive sexiness said,
But dost thou think really,
Such action would give then in stead — of taking?”
“Aprés, but perhaps if twere
The other way round,
That suckle led to tear…”
“Who are you?” said I,
“Who am I?” she sighed, sublime.
And —“ I am” — cut-in, I replied.And that love nidn’t even have to play thru passionate display,
for right there and they’n began to dematerialize and disenshape. Love there already mated — made parody of time — for twas in the end, not the beginning, that love and all were created.
And they became a Black Hole and dynstastied a galaxy then. For sook only cursoried meeting of such elemental love patterned, to rip apart every atom in each strand of DNA of that Orion Arm fractal Milky Way.
Logarithmic cataclysm,
Hyper field-of-view
A billion
No a trillion
No, a dodecatillion AU-K display
The eye of eternity open
Upon this tiny little swathe of space
All in due time
The scheme propagates
And Uni sees your cute place
Terrible or sublime to look upon
Her visage as you become object of her contemplation
She blesses you with an apocalypse from her barely opened eye, turns over and returns to her super-massive slumber.